Wuxi Zhang Wenzhong: The future of China’s retail industry must fully realize digital intelligence, and completely return to the foundation of business.

Source: Rui Jian Economy

  The “Tenth Innovation of the Yabul China Entrepreneurs Forum” was held in Shenzhen from June 21st to 22nd.The theme of this conference is “Innovation and New Quality Productivity”.At the opening ceremony, Zhang Wenzhong, the founder of Wumi Group and the founder of Multi -point Dmall, attended and gave a speech.

  Zhang Wenzhong said that after 30 years of development, Wumi already has more than 1,000 stores in various industries, annual sales reached 100 billion yuan, and online sales accounted for 30%.

  Zhang Wenzhong mentioned that the development of China’s retail industry relies on business model innovation and technological innovation.At present, the market has entered the stock market from the incremental market. On the basis of digital and intelligent, the industry needs to carry out comprehensive structural reconstruction.

  ”After 30 years, the retail industry has blossomed in China and entered a stage of high -quality development. Development of new productivity is inevitable. It is necessary to accelerate digitalization and intelligent innovation, promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of the retail industry, improve the entire factor productivity, optimize and improve supply supplyAnd service quality, create new consumption growth points. “Zhang Wenzhong said.

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