Healthy "new members" in undergraduate majors

As this year’s college entrance examination came to an end, candidates volunteered to fill in the agenda, how to choose a major to become a hot spot in society.Earlier, the Ministry of Education released the results of the undergraduate major of general colleges and universities in 2023 and the results of the approval results of the undergraduate majors and the latest version of “Undergraduate Professional Catalog”.The plan, including two healthy and technical majors opened by Shanghai Jiaotong University, including “new members” in the health field, and a sports recreation specialty opened by the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education.Where is the “new member” “new” and how will they cultivate talents?What are the employment prospects of students?In this issue, we invite the relevant person in charge of the two schools to interpret it.

Cultivate a “road visitor” in health career

Wang Jingchuan, deputy dean of the Future Technical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University

With the intensification of population aging and the continuous challenges of public health incidents to humans, people’s attention to health issues has increased, and the health industry has become a hot topic of global.To solve the problem of human health and deal with the contradictory challenges between social development and life and health, it is necessary to revolutionize and disruptive science and technology. The foundation of revolutionary technology is talented talents with forward -looking and innovative ability.We need to explore and redefine the model and concept of talent training.

The “health science and technology” opened by Shanghai Jiaotong University specializes in leading the future health science and technology innovation of human beings. Through artificial intelligence, big data, virtual reality technology and biological information, genetic technology, prevention of medicine, and exercise transformation medicine, and cross -medicine applicationFollow the future trend of science and technology, explore the health laws of life from the whole process of breeding, growing to aging, and committed to cultivating students who are outstanding in human health, innovative leaders in the health industry, and advocates of the reform of health concepts.Essence

This major is based on “artificial intelligence+active health” as its core feature, and applies cross -disciplinary knowledge to the cultivation of future talents. It is committed to cultivating a complete personality, deep social responsibility, rich humanistic literacy, and have solid mathematics, statistical scienceThe foundation of artificial intelligence, as well as future leaders with forward -looking international vision, innovation spirit, critical thinking, teamwork and leadership ability.

By cross -integration with subjects such as information, machinery, materials, and other engineering disciplines with biological, psychological, genetic, medicine and other disciplines, health science and technology majors are designed to lead the technologies in the field of active health in the entire cycle.Cultivate scientific and technological leaders who have become healthy and emerging industries such as heart and brain health, sports health, nutritional health, and environmental health.

Through the integration of high -quality resources inside and outside the school, focusing on the development of major reform technologies in the direction of future health, breaking the barriers of existing traditional majors, with the integration of production and education, the integration of science and education as the starting point, and the interest -oriented -oriented -oriented personality trainingProvide fine granular, modular, customized curriculum selection, and give students full self -selection rights.

Based on the training experience of the Shanghai Jiaotong University’s engineering test class, it has established a new talent training model with college characteristics, and opened the core compulsory and professional elective courses with the depth of professional knowledge and the breadth of knowledge structure.Students will choose the appropriate curriculum module combination to conduct learning in accordance with their personal interests, specialties, and occupational ideas to form a customized training plan that is different from person to person.Taking the “artificial intelligence health and big data” direction of this major as an example, the modular courses include biological information, statistical analysis, large language model and prompt engineering, etc., through multi -disciplinary cross -integration, so that students have a solid mathematics mathematicsOn the basis of the basic knowledge and application capabilities of artificial intelligence, we will further have the ability to use the core knowledge in the field of health science and technology and solve the problems of complex health engineering.

In terms of the training of professional talents, the school adheres to the concept of “making each student better”, launching innovative measures for talent training, equipped with academic mentors for all undergraduates, training undergraduates with a master’s and doctoral students, and providing sufficient enterprises with sufficient enterprises, Industry practice opportunities, build a student leadership cultivation platform, cooperate with internationally renowned universities and enterprises to provide sufficient international exchange opportunities, provide students with sufficient scholarships and scholarships to help students grow.

Graduates of health science and technology majors can serve in related enterprises related to traditional medical technology, Internet+medical health, and large health industries in the future, or go to universities, research institutes, hospitals, etc. to continue to engage in scientific research work and further studies, or serveManagement departments, medical insurance and other fields.

Let sports integrate into a healthy life

Zhu Lin, director of the Science and Technology Department of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education

Sports and recreation refers to behavior activities that improve people’s body, mind, and gods through sports, and make it constantly becoming the best state.Medical care in the state.

The integration and development of sports is an important means to meet the health needs of the general public and solve the problem of social livelihood.The “Healthy China 2030” Planning Outline has deployed China’s health work in the next ten years, clearly proposed to strengthen physical medical integration and non -medical health intervention, and focus on emphasizing exercise intervention, highlighting the important role of exercise in health.

During the “Fourteenth Five -Year Plan” period, the active response to the aging of the population has risen to a national strategy.To implement healthy aging and promote active and healthy and high -quality development, it is also necessary for sports recreation professionals.As an important means of active and health in the pension service industry, the related industries have a huge demand for professional talents.Although there are currently professional talents such as sports rehabilitation, leisure sports, social sports guidance and management, have not yet been established with sports recreation major with the main means of service objects, sports as the main means, and health care.

This major is the first new major approved in the context of the increasing health service needs of society and the people to actively help the health China strategy.Cultivate sports recreational services and management talents, and achieve sports health promotion and disease prevention.

At present, sports health care specializes in sports and medicine as the main discipline of the main discipline, and sets related professional courses with the concept of “physical medical integration”.In addition to 7 professional basic courses including sports anatomy, sports physiology, and health education required under the subject of physical education subject categories, it also includes professional core courses such as the theoretical foundation of traditional Chinese medicine, the theory and practice of sports prescriptions, as well as community sports, emergency emergency, emergency emergencyManagement, Health Qigong, sports games and other professional expansion theories and practical courses.

The aging of the population is the basic national conditions in my country in the future. It is necessary to actively respond to the aging of the population.We hope to cultivate sports health professionals who can effectively combine disease prevention and exercise health. They can meet the needs of aging social needs in my country and the development of health industries for the elderly. In the fields of nutrition and health management, engaging in education, technical guidance and consulting, and management related work can guide the elderly scientific fitness.

Sports recreation major will open a new stage of life for you, join us, and become a compound professional talent with family conditions, international vision, and multidisciplinary cross -integration capabilities.

Edit: Hu Bin Li Shiyao

School pair: Yang Zhenyu

Review: Qin Mingrui Xu Bingnan

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